804-816 Cowra Avenue, Irymple, VIC, 3498
Henderson College




Middle Primary

Henderson College

Middle Primary

In Year 3 and 4, we strive to empower and motivate students to become curious and thoughtful learners. We want students to be grounded in a deep knowledge of God’s love so that they feel empowered to care about and make change in their wider community.

Smiling student in kitchen

Students adventure into literacy, reading both for enjoyment and to be informed. They broaden their knowledge by participating in meaningful discussions about texts. They are encouraged to view themselves as writers who craft texts for a variety of purposes. Students work in groups to develop explicit reading strategies and skills, both through working closely with the teacher and through independent reading.

Year 3 and 4 students are able to involve themselves in Mathematics in various ways. Students are encouraged to reflect on the maths that they learn and apply it to real-life situations. Students use various technologies that are used to assist them in their learning.

When using Technology in Middle Primary classrooms, students become increasingly computer literate and learn research skills, typing techniques, the importance of coding and programming and proper email etiquette. Students explore a variety of ways to present their work using applications on their 1:1 iPads, or by accessing a set of Macbooks to use.

Students are taught and encouraged to continuously demonstrate the four core values that Henderson College uphold – Respect, Success, Compassion and Integrity. Each week, there is a value that is focused on school-wide and is taught explicitly.

Students in Year 3 and 4 love participating in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program weekly where they learn new skills to prepare healthy, vegetarian food. Students are assisted by teachers who are passionate about cooking nutritious and delicious food. Students also learn about gardening with our experienced school gardener. They enjoy planting seeds, weeding and harvesting the produce that they then cook with during the kitchen classes. This benefits our students greatly and teaches them life skills.

Together, the Year 3 and 4 students experience changes within the community, by participating in cultural activities on their school camp. Camp locations are alternative between the Swan Hill Pioneer Settlement and Ballarat Adventure Camp.

School assembly primary students