804-816 Cowra Avenue, Irymple, VIC, 3498
Henderson College





Henderson College

Career Support

It is our goal to give students the opportunities and guidance they need to decide on and pursue a meaningful career. Career guidance begins for students in Year 9.

At Year 9 level all students participate in:

  • Information sessions on the skills, knowledge, and capacities required to build foundations for learning and work
  • Engage in activities to develop understanding of work, careers and post school destinations

At Year 10 level all students participate in:

  • A week long work experience placement of their choice
  • Career testing and debriefing
  • Information sessions on how to use the Job Guide to identify qualifications needed for specific careers
  • Information session on how to use VTAC Course Search to explore tertiary courses and to identify pre-requisite subjects at VCE level
  • Individual subject choice counselling in consultation with the student’s teachers and support staff from Mildura Senior College.

Inspiring the next generation

Henderson College is committed to creating a culture of learning that inspires and equips students to be the best they can be.

Learning and Teaching